Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August link up

Wow - how can it already be August?!  Schools start this week here and that continues to throw off my end of summer/school year thoughts.  It's like I'm missing out on the rest of summer as I know it - not good.  I did have some vacation time off over the last week though so all is not lost.

I've been making some progress on the quilt front too and while still a bit undecided on how to quilt my kaleidoscope, this will be my August project for the Lovely Year of Finishes over at Fiber of All Sorts. I want to get it quilted - as it cannot be snuggled with all those basting pins in it!  Here's hoping I'll have it in the machine soon.


  1. Wow this is a total stunner! Lovely colours for the fall too! Good luck on finishing it up for September. I'm looking forward to seeing it all polished off :)

  2. This is just too gorgeous for words. I don't know if I would have had the patience to get it done, but I wish I could! Looks amazing.
